India set for solar revolution

6 08 2009

Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, has pledged to push ahead with a vast solar power initiative. The plan aims to see India’s sunlight-to-electricity production increase to 20GW. Such an increase could bring almost 400 million Indians, with no access to electricity, a quality of life that has for so long been accessible only for the middle classes. The question is, where will the funding come from? According to Leena Srivastava, of The Energy and Resource Institute:

In order to achieve its renewable energy targets, the Indian government expects international financing as well as technology at an affordable cost

 The fact that the plan to solarise India is so monumental, may just compel, on the back of public pressure, the richer nations to part finance it. And by forcing the hand of the developed nations in such a manner, India might just set a precedent.

Source: The Guardian



One response

11 08 2009
India: Solar scheme postponed « greenopolis

[…] Solar scheme postponed Further to my post last week on the potential for solar revolution in India, Gaia Vince has reported today that the government’s 20GW energy plan has suffered […]

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